“Where neighbors meet,” proclaims the mural on Dimond Avenue below MacArthur. Indeed, the Dimond District has a draw for homeowners, due to its location in the heart of East Oakland, and a friendly residential feel.
It’s walkable, outdoor-recreation friendly, and it still doesn’t make residents long for any of the shopping spots - they’re just to the south. Dimond was once known as “Upper Fruitvale”, and is centered at MacArthur and Fruitvale Avenue.
Dimond is unpretentious, home to Mission Revival and bungalows, and has the distinct advantage of bordering Dimond Canyon. This 94-acre preserve contains Sausal Creek - and a lot of nature that you just don’t get to see at the usual city park. The Dimond Park itself is a major activity center, with a community pool, abundant green space, tennis courts and a busy recreation center.
Still more traditional than hipster, the Dimond District offers a blended neighborhood that is lighter on craft beer and record stores - but does offer terrific pupuserias, taquerias, and sushi. It’s on the upswing - but still holding back that bit of itself that loves a good day at the park.
Ironically, the district was once known as “Little Germany”, and was filled with beer gardens, summer resorts, and immigrants. You’ll see nary a beergarten today - but you can attend the annual family-friendly Oaktoberfest with the rest of the community. It’s sponsored by the Dimond Improvement Association, which has invested in the district since 1955. Their motto? “Involvement Builds Community” - and their efforts show in Recreation Center activities, beautification projects, and support of the arts.