Perspective on 3 SF Real Estate Market Recoveries

Perspective on 3 Recoveries

 This Case-Shiller chart for the 5-county SF Metro Area begins with the recovery following the market recession/ doldrums of 1991 - 1995. The market of 1996 and 1997 had basically the same dynamic of repressed demand exploding alongside a recovering economy that we're experiencing today. (All chart numbers reflect a percentage of the home values in January 2000.) There followed a 100% increase in values over the next 5 years, even before the inflation of the big bubble of 2004-2008. Buyers who bought in the mid-late nineties ended up doing quite well. This link shows the same dynamic in the transition from the late seventies/ early eighties recession to the mid-eighties rebound.

 Those buying in the early years of that recovery also did pretty well, even factoring in the following recession and market correction:


Interested in learning more about San Francisco real estate?

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Simone Koga | Paragon Real Estate Group

1400 Van Ness Ave. | San Francisco, CA 94109

415.706.1586 |



February 2012 Market Report Full-The Crunch in SF Real Estate


Ratio of Expired Listings to Sold Listings