Who is San Francisco?

Paragon Real Estate Group
Paragon Real Estate Group

Who is San Francisco?

Who We Are, How We Live, What We Do, How We Rank

How many San Franciscans:

Trace their ancestry from China, Ireland, Mexico or the Philippines? Are children under 5? Speak Spanish at home? Have their cars stolen? Are heterosexual or gay? Divorced? Live alone? Give birth each year? Vote Libertarian? Earn over $200,000/year? Have graduate degrees?

There is no city in the world quite like San Francisco - and here are some of the details.









All data herein is from a wide variety of third party sources deemed reliable - much of it comes from the United States 2010 Census - but it may contain general estimates as well as errors, and is subject to revision.February 2012 © Paragon Real Estate Group; Header Photo by Christian Mehlfuhrer
No one knows San Francisco or San Francisco Real Estate Better than We Do.
Paragon Real Estate Group (415)738-7000 | (415)565-0500 | www.paragon-re.com
Simone Koga DRE# 01897985 1400 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94109 Direct (415) 738-7209 Fax (415) 738-7259 Simone@SimoneKoga.com http://simonekoga.com/

March 2012 Market Report


What Buyers Bought in San Francisco - 2011 Recap