Simone Spotlight | The Best Time to Update Your Home Owner's Insurance


Make Sure You are Covered



🎉 Hey East Bay 🎉
It is the start of a New Year, the resolutions are set, and plans have been made. We are looking forward to all of the things we will accomplish in the New Year.

You may be considering renovating your home or perhaps you received a valuable present over the holidays. You may be considering when and how much, but one thing that you may not realize is that with every high-end purchase, remodel, and change of lifestyle, it is important to get an updated insurance policy on your calendar.

With the price of construction going up, you want to make sure that one of your most important assets is fully covered.

So when do you need to update your homeowner’s insurance?


It’s essential to notify your insurance provider when you renovate your kitchen, install a new roof, or add a bathroom to your home. Home renovation improvements can have a major influence on the value of your home, requiring your insurance carrier to adjust your property coverage limits to match the replacement expenses. While this may increase your premiums, it is definitely worth it to have adequate coverage in the event of a claim.


Upgrading your security system can get you the best home insurance prices. Many homeowners insurance providers give clients who have a monitored security or fire alarm system a discount.

family pet

Liability coverage for dog bites is included in many homeowners insurance policies. The catch is that you must notify your insurance company about your new family member. If you haven’t informed your insurer about your pet before filing a claim, it could affect your policy’s coverage.

CAREER change

A change in career, retirement, or remote work can lower your premiums. Providers tend to be more lenient to those that spend a lot of time at home since it’s less likely they'll have their home invaded.

You Have Something Valuable in Your Possession

Items of value should be insured., whether you’ve purchased or been given something worth a lot of money, it’s always a good idea to let your insurance company know. They can adjust your premium to protect you should something go wrong. The same works if you sell or give away something valuable. Call to drop your premium.

These are a few of the situations when you would want to call your insurance company and make sure you are covered.