What Buyers Purchased in 2013


 Penthouses, Mansions, Short Sales & Fixer-Uppers

What Did San Francisco Homebuyers Buy in 2013?

Views, prices, architecture, neighborhoods, property types and sizes, parking, probate sales and appreciation rates: We data-mined all of San Francisco's 2013 sales reported to MLS through the end of November and charted the results below.

Please call or email with any questions or comments.Sales as described in and reported to San Francisco MLS by 11/25/13. All data herein is from sources deemed (at least somewhat) reliable -- i.e. the information input by listing agents regarding their own listings -- but may contain errors and is subject to revision. These charts do not include sales unreported to MLS, such as the sale of many so-called "pocket listings" and many of the new-development condo sales that occur.© Paragon Real Estate Group


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